Sunday, April 21, 2013

On Sale: Where the Wind Begins

On Sale: Amazon


Book 1 of 3

 Where the Wind Begins is the first of three installments (Where the Wind Will—2nd installment—is available on Amazon) where I have taken the sentiments of these two books and placed them in two characters.  Morv Areed (Moreen) Hassani is a lady in her mid fifties who has suffered great losses—family and fortune--as a result of the bloody conflict between her home country of Iran and that of Iraq.   She was forced to leave a promising international medical career and her country as a result of religious persecution….she is a Christian.  In the states she lives out her faith as part of a local Eastern Orthodox fellowship.

Malcolm Richardson (Ecclesiastes) is a multi-millionaire (in his late fifties) who had retired early.  He has everything he can buy and is board with it all.  The man has made tremendous mistakes with his family throughout the years and is now suffering the consequences of those relational mishaps. 
The title comes from Solomon describing life as a “chasing after the wind”.  Malcolm Richardson feels that his life is as Solomon describes it.  Moreen, who runs a cafĂ© frequented by Malcolm, informs the millionaire that this may be true for him, but she knows where the wind begins. 

The story contrasts these two outlooks on life as the two main characters, their families, their friends, and their struggles interact.  

Note: An appendix allows readers to connect characteristics drawn from those two books to the characters in the story.

See into in previous post.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

On Sale at Amazon:Where the Wind Will

Here is the second installment concerning the life and times of one Malcolm Richardson, a thrice married, thrice divorced multimillionaire, who is struggling with the unexpected death last month (November) of his friend Morv Arid (Moreen) Hassani who he had met the previous spring.  She was a former prominent, ground breaking Doctor in her native country of Iran, a survivor of the Iran/Iraq war,  and a refugee from religious persecution.  An organic product of their friendship is a developing and quite startling spiritual transformation that is proving to be addictive and frustratingly confusing for the wealthy former business tycoon having little to no religious background.  With Moreen’s passing Malcolm must rely on the growing faith of his first (and he knows to be his only true) love, Sybil Richardson who he left almost three decades earlier for wife number 2.  His need for guidance concerning this mysterious new pull also creates a serendipitous romantic opportunity for the two middle aged divorcees.  This opportunity is complicated by the struggles and interactions of a very large blended family which includes—from Malcolm’ perspective—3 ex wives, 4 natural adult  children (3 from Sybil), 2 adult step children, 1 fourteen year old step son,  6 spouses, 1 adopted 20 y/o daughter (and boy friend),  4 grand children, and Moreen’s remaining 2 adult children.   One major conflict that Malcolm must resolve is the severe bitterness his youngest son (by Sybil) over Malcolm’s abandonment of the family so many years earlier.  All this will play out across an international plane as Malcolm is forced to continue to deal with the deadly reality of religious persecution around the world….a reality that eventually will hit the Richardson family very hard close to home.  

See the author’s other book, “Suffer the Slings and Arrows: Dialogues With Job”.